PEL 82 Offshore – Walvis Basin, Namibia


  • Chevron Namibia Exploration Limited (“CNEL”) entered into a farm-out for an 80% working interest and operatorship on April 28, 2024.
  • Seismic programs conducted cover more than 3,500 km of 2D and 9,500 km2 of 3D seismic data.
  • 3D coverage represents 70% of total block area.
  • Wingat-1 Well recovered oil of 38-41 degree API.
  • Prospects Channel E, F and Paris were fully evaluated, other possible analogous channels and leads exist.
  • Licence area also indciates a deeper Aptian/Albian Fan play.
Partners Working Interest
Chevron Namibia Expl. Ltd. (Operator) 80%
Custos Energy (Inter Oil (Pty) Ltd.)* 10%
* Sintana owns 49% of Inter Oil (Pty) Ltd. resulting in an effective interest in PEL 82 of 5% carried interest.

PEL 82 Snapshot

Location Walvis Basin
Area 11,464 km2
Water Depth 260m to 2460m
Grant Date 2-Sept-16
Licence Term 5 years + 1 year extension + 2 renewal terms of 2 years
2D Seismic 3500 km
3D Seismic 7920 km2
Nearby Wells Murombe-1 (HRT 2013)
Wingat-1 (HRT 2013)