PEL 87 Offshore – Orange Basin, Namibia


  • 3D Seismic covers more than 1,400 km and regional 2D seismic ties to other blocks and key wells.
  • Moosehead well (HRT 2013) in southeast part of block demonstrates thick shale and seal section.
  • The Saturn Floor Fan (2,400 km2) located on Block has estimated recoverable reserves of >829 MMBO.
  • Saturn Fan has similar geology to the Venus Super fan discovery by Total Energies.
  • Block was optioned by Woodside in March 2023 who completed a 6,593 km2 3D seismic survey in June 2023.
  • Woodside’s is expected to exercise it’s option to farmin to PEL 87 and fund the drilling of an exploration well in Q2-2024.
Partners Participation Interest
Woodside 56% (Optioned)
Pancontinental 19%
Inter Oil (Pty) Ltd.* 15%

* Effective Interest – On March 9th 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of 49% of Inter Oil (Pty) Ltd. resulting in an effective interest to Sintana Energy in PEL 87 of 7.5% carried interest.

PEL 87 Snapshot

Location Orange Basin
Area 10,947 km2
Water Depth 420m – 3200m
Grant Date 23-Jan-18
Licence Term 4 years + 2 renewal terms of 2 years
2D Seismic 2100 km
3D Seismic 7993 km2
Nearby Wells Mopane-2X (Galp 2024)
Mopane-1X (Galp 2024)
Moosehead-1 (HRT 2014)
Kabeljou-1 (2012)